Parcel info: 84977

Sender: მერაბი ნადირაძე

Order data: 21/08/2021

City: ქუთაისი, ა.ჭავჭავაძის #21

Recipient: ირაკლი ფოლადაშვილი

Delivery date: 23/08/2021

City: ბათუმი, ა.ჭავჭავაძის #21

Parcel status: ჩაბარებული

Weight: 2 Kg

Price: 7 GEL

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EasyWay: an easy way to reach the addressee

With high service standards and reasonable tariffs,
our team is dedicated to ensuring cargo shipment in the shortest period of time.
Our goal is to make the process of sending and receiving parcels and other goods as simple as possible.
Your package is in good hands with us.
EasyWay: an easy way to reach the addressee

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