Информация о посылке: 84977

Отправитель: მერაბი ნადირაძე

Дата заказа: 21/08/2021

Город: ქუთაისი, ა.ჭავჭავაძის #21

Получатель: ირაკლი ფოლადაშვილი

Дата доставки: 23/08/2021

Город: ბათუმი, ა.ჭავჭავაძის #21

Статус посылки: ჩაბარებული

вес: 2 Кг

Цена: 7 Лари

Политика конфиденциальности

Taking into consideration, the principles established by law, the recipient of the information takes responsibility to store and protect confidential information from disclosure. Hence, the recipient of the information (easyway.ge) which, within its competence, has access to certain categories of personal data, according to the mutual agreement is bound by the obligation to keep personal data confidentially and to refrain from unauthorized disclosure.

It is strictly prohibited to process or disclose the information by the receiving party for any kind of reason as well as the transfer of information to third parties.

The receiving party is obliged to take such organizational and technical measures that ensure the protection of confidential information from accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration, disclosure, extraction, any other form of misuse, and accidental or unlawful loss.


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